En base a este planteamiento, la realización se desarrolla dentro de un juego visual de velocidades que ponen de manifiesto el anverso y reverso de gesto. La palabra DAME concede a la pieza un indicio para revelar la composición.
Por tanto, nos es revelado que cualquier gesto, cualquier acto genera una dualidad implícita al tiempo que se desarrolla, abriendo un abanico de significados que llegan a constituir el entramado de la comunicación directa e indirecta.
Undeveloped negative, study made from the selection of a simple gesture: to put aside or to keep distant something or someone from us. In this one we find ambiguous and contradictory meanings. A clear example is the title itself in which the notion of opposite and simultaneous are implicit.
On the basis of this idea, the action takes place into a visual game of quick movements that shows the obverse and the other side of the gesture. The word DAME
grants this piece a sign for developing the performance.
Therefore any developed gesture or any act produces an intrinsic dualism at the time this is performed reaching a range of meanings that form the frame of direct and indirect communication.